Maine Rural Behavioral Health Workforce Center

Home Maine Peer Recovery Coach



    • High school or higher education level
    • Person in recovery
  • Step 1

    Take Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) Course

  • Step 2

    Take Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches Course

  • Step 3

    Apply to become a Registered Peer Recovery Coach (RPRC)

  • Step 4

    Earn 500 Hours of verified experience as a Registered Peer Recovery Coach

    • Obtain 500 or more verified hours
      Any interaction, typically 30 minutes or greater, between a coach and recoveree that includes the role, responsibilities, and functions of a recovery coach
  • Step 5

    Earn 25 hours under supervision when working as a Registered Peer Recovery Coach

    • Obtain 25 or more supervised hours
      Supervisors need to take Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) and 'Coachervision' to be qualified to sign form.
  • Step 6

    Apply to become a Certified Peer Recovery Coach

  • Step 7

    Optional: Take 'Coachervision' Course to become a Recovery Coach Supervisor

  • Earn Peer Recovery Coach Certification

    • Finish

Become a Peer Recovery Coach

We're going to ask you a few questions to provide you with all the resources you need to start you on your path to certification.

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Peer Recovery Coaches are individuals or affected others in recovery from addiction who draw on personal experience with the recovery process to support others through their recovery journey. They transform the knowledge gained from lived experience to build bonds of trust and foster the empowerment of others in recovery. They also provide a range of person-centered and strength-based supports that connect individuals with community resources.

Peer Recovery Coach positions are often found in community centers and opioid health homes throughout the state working with individuals who experience substance use disorders. Much like Certified Intentional Peer Support Specialists, Recovery coaches have the potential to help in any setting where individuals who are experiencing substance use disorder can be found such as prisons, primary care, pain management, housing programs, etc.